Name few things that both you and a computer can do
Nothing at all.
It’s a mistake to think that a computer is in anyway like a human.
A computer is simply a very fast calculator - and it does those calculations in a way that no human could. Accurately and with mechanical precision.
These calculations if done in the right sequence, allow a computer to model other systems. So you could write a computer program, that simulates the speed that water could leak out of a bucked with a hole in it.
It would model that system, and provide you the numbers of the graphics to predict how long it takes before the bucket is drained of water.
But that doesnt m...
Art, designing things, gaming. Each does it differently but put the two together and you have a synergistic effect. There are lots of things humans will always do way better than computers like adopt to unfamiliar situations on the fly and invent new things. Humans have imagination and spontaneous inductive reasoning. Computers have a much higher data crunching capacity to humans with far less errors. Computers do not care if they have done a job over and over again for the billionth time.