name five chemical changes that take place inside the body if living beings
Five Chemical Changes that take place inside body of living beings:
The list of five chemical changes that occurs within a human body is
1. Catabolic Reaction: Reactions like these are exothermic in nature, which breaks down complex molecules into smaller units of energy. Example: Breakdown of glucose during cellular respiration.
2. Anabolic reaction: Reaction is endothermic in nature and vice versa of catabolic reaction; in this reaction simpler particles join to form complex substances. Example: Formation of protein from amino acid.
3. Exergonic Reaction: Reaction which occurs during cellular respiration, in which energy is released by organic compound.
4. Isomerization reaction: the reaction in which molecule is converted into another type without disturbing the number of elements present in the molecules. Isomerization is common occurrence during digestion.
5. Catalyst Chemical Reaction: Breaking of fat, proteins, carbs into simpler products so that our body can absorb essential nutrients and energy from them.
Chemical reactions are common in daily life, but you may not recognize them. Look for signs of a reaction. Chemical reactions often involve color changes, temperature changes, gas production, or precipitant formation. Simple examples of everyday reactions include digestion, combustion, and cooking.