Name indiam satellites and their use
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SatelliteLaunch DateLaunch VehicleRemarksISRO LinkAryabhatta19 April 1975u-11 InterkosmosActive technological experience in building and operating a satellite system. India's first satellite.Bhaskara-I7 June 1979C-1 InterkosmosFirst experimental remote sensing satellite. Carried TV and microwave cameras.Rohini Technology Payload10 August 1979SLV-3Intended for measuring in-flight performance of first experimental flight of SLV-3, the first Indian launch vehicle. Did not achieve orbit.Rohini RS-118 July 1980SLV-3Used for measuring in-flight performance of second experimental launch of SLV-3. India's first indigenous satellite launch.Rohini RS-D131 May 1981SLV-3Used for conducting some remote sensing technology studies using a landmark sensor payload.Launched by the first developmental launch of SLV-3.Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment19 June 1981Ariane-1 (V-3)First experimental communication satellite. Provided experience in building and operating a payload experiment three-axis stabilised communication satellite.Bhaskara -II20 November 1981C-1 IntercosmosSecond experimental remote sensing satellite; similar to Bhaskara-1. Provided experience in building and operating a remote sensing satellite system on an end-to-end basis.INSAT-1A10 April 1982Delta 3910 PAM-DFirst operational multipurpose communication and meteorology satellite. Procured from USA. Worked for only six months.Rohini RS-D217 April 1983SLV-3Identical to RS-D1. Launched by the second developmental launch of SLV-3.INSAT-1B30 August 1983Shuttle [PAM-D]Identical to INSAT-1A. Served for more than design life of seven years.Stretched Rohini Satellite Series (SROSS-1)24 March 1987ASLVCarried payload for launch vehicle performance monitoring and for gamma ray astronomy. Did not achieve orbit.IRS-1A17 March 1988VostokEarth observation satellite. First operational remote sensing satellite.Stretched Rohini Satellite Series (SROSS-2)13 July 1988ASLVCarried remote sensing payload of German space agency in addition to Gamma Ray astronomy payload. Did not achieve orbit.INSAT-1C21 July 1988Ariane-3Same as INSAT-1A. Served for only one-and-a-half years.INSAT-1D12 June 1990Delta 4925Identical to INSAT-1A. Still in service. A third stage motor landed from its launch, landed in Australia in 2008.[2]IRS-1B29 August 1991VostokEarth observation satellite. Improved version of IRS-1A.INSAT-2DT26 February 1992Ariane-44L H10Launched asArabsat 1C. Procured in orbit from Arabsat in January 1998.Stretched Rohini Satellite Series (SROSS-C)20 May 1992ASLVCarried gamma ray astronomy and aeronomy payload.INSAT-2A10 July 1992Ariane-44L H10First satellite in the second-generation Indian-built INSAT-2 series. Has enhanced capability over INSAT-1 series. Still in service.INSAT-2B23 July 1993Ariane-44L H10+Second satellite in INSAT-2 series. Identical to INSAT-2A. Still in service.IRS-1E20 September 1993PSLV-D1Earth observation satellite. Did not achieve orbit.Stretched Rohini Satellite Series (SROSS-C2)4 May 1994ASLVIdentical to SROSS-C. Still in service.IRS-P215 October 1994PSLV-D2Earth observation satellite. Launched by second developmental flight of PSLV.Mission accomplished after 3 years of service in 1997.INSAT-2C7 December 1995Ariane-44L H10-3Has additional capabilities such as mobile satellite service, business communication and television outreach beyond Indian boundaries. Still in service.IRS-1C29 December 1995MolniyaEarth observation satellite. Launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome.IRS-P321 March 1996PSLV-D3Earth observation satellite. Carries remote sensing payload and an X-ray astronomy payload. Launched by third developmental flight of PSLV.INSAT-2D4 June 1997Ariane-44L H10-3Same as INSAT-2C. Inoperable since 1997-10-04 due to power bus anomaly.IRS-1D29 September 1997PSLV-C1Earth observation satellite. Same as IRS-1C.INSAT-2E3 April 1999Ariane-42P H10-3Multipurpose communication and meteorological satellite.Oceansat-1(IRS-P4)26 May 1999PSLV-C2Earth observation satellite. Carries an Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) and a Multifrequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer (MSMR).INSAT-3B22 March 2000Ariane-5GMultipurpose communication: business communication, developmental communication, and mobile communication.GSAT-118 April 2001GSLV-D1Experimental satellite for the first developmental flight of Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, GSLV-D1.Technology Experiment Satellite (TES)22 October 2001PSLV-C3Experimental satellite to test technologies such as attitude and orbit control system, high-torque reaction wheels, new reaction control system, etc.INSAT-3C24 January 2002Ariane-42L H10-3Designed to augment the existing INSAT capacity for communication and broadcasting and provide continuity of the services of INSAT-2C.Kalpana-1(METSAT)12 September 2002PSLV-C4First meteorological satellite built by ISRO. Originally named METSAT. Renamed afterKalpana Chawlawho perished in
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hiiii mate
1.Aryabhatta used in earth sciences and space physics
2.bhaskara sega-l used in astronomy, communication, engineering and earth science
3.APPLE used in communication
4.bhaskara-ll used in engineering and earth science.
1.Aryabhatta used in earth sciences and space physics
2.bhaskara sega-l used in astronomy, communication, engineering and earth science
3.APPLE used in communication
4.bhaskara-ll used in engineering and earth science.
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