name of friendly India border
Border name of India
The Bangladesh–India border, known locally as the International Border (IB), is an international border running between Bangladesh and India that demarcates the eight divisions of Bangladesh and the Indian states.
Established: 17 August 1947; Creation of the Radcliffe Line by Sir Cyril Radcliffe due ...
Length: 4,156 km (2,582 mi)
Current shape: 7 May 2015; Exchange of enclaves, simplification of land boundaries
India has three types of land border: international borderline (IBL), line of control (LoC) and line of actual control (LoAC). XSRQ DQG UDWLğHG E\ ERWK WKH QHLJKERXULQJ countries, and has been accepted by the rest of the world.
Established: 17 August 1947; Creation of the Radcliffe Line by Sir Cyril Radcliffe due ...
Length: 4,156 km (2,582 mi)
Current shape: 7 May 2015; Exchange of enclaves, simplification of land boundaries
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