Name of the 3 modern social reformers who have brought a significant change in India growth and development,write about them in form of bio sketch
Social Reformers
Mother India is a birth place of many great sons. They glorified their country by their noble activities.
- Swami Vivekananda was one of the great sons of Mother India. Vivekananda whose family name was Narendranath Dutta, was born at Shimla Pally in Kolkata in 1863. Viswanath Dutta, an attorney at Kolkata High Court, was his father. His mother was Bhubaneshwari Devi.
- He took his early education at home. Little Beley was a lively and even a naughty boy. He liked to play sports and games. For that he told, "It is better to play football than to read Geeta."
- From his childhood he was fond of meditation and exercise. He passed matriculation from Metropolitan Institution in 1879. He went to Scottish Church College and took B. A. degree in 1884.
- He came in contact with Ramkrishna Paramahangsa in 1883 and became his disciple. After the death of Ramkrishna in 1886 he became a monk. This great monk travelled all over India on foot.
- This sage attended World Religious Conference in Chicago in 1893. And there he gave an unforgettable lecture on the principles of Hindu religion. This was an incredible moment for India. After that India was known to the whole world for her philosophy and spirituality. He delivered lectures all over the world.
- This great monk established Ramkrishna Mission in 1897 and Belur Math in 1898. He passed away on 4 April 1902 but his words will be echoed through the deeds of his disciples.
- Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was a great son of mother India. He was born at Mhow in Central India in 1891. The name of his father was Ramji Sankpal and the name of his mother was Bhima Devi. He belonged to so-called low caste family. From her childhood to death he faced many problems and he faught against untouchability and superstition.
- He was not allowed to sit with other boys in his school. Even he was deprived to take drinking water. The situation was too much tough that he could not take necessary education like other boys. Although he was a brilliant student.
- He went to the USA for higher education. There he did his M. A. and D. Phil. After that he came back to India and joined a college. He wrote the Constitution of free India. For that he is known as 'the Father of Indian Constitution'.
- He was the first law minister in Free India. This great person passed away in 1956. He is no more with us but his contribution will last forever.
- Great scientist Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was born at Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu in 1931. His father, Jainulabdeen was a pious person and the name of his mother was Ashiamma.
- He took his early education from school at Rameswaram. He took his higher education at Madras Institute of Technology.
- He was not only a aerospace scientist but also a politician and he was the 11th President of India (2002 to 2007). He is known as 'People's President'.
- He worked in NASA. He played the key role in India's first rocket launching in 1965. He was the leader in launching satellites SLV-3 in 1980. He also became the director of DRDL in 1982. He guided the launching of surface to surface missiles 'Trisul', 'Akash' and 'Agni'. After became the leader of the nuclear explosion at 'Pokhran' in 1998.
- He was awarded Padma Bhushan by Government of India in 1981. He received many awards. He was not only a President of India and nuclear scientist but a motivational writer. One of his notable works is Wings of Fire, his autobiography.
- This great man died on 27th July 2015. He is no more with us but he will remain forever as the Missile Man of India.

Three Modern Social Reformers of India
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy:
He was one of the greatest social workers who worked towards the upliftment of India. He was born on 22 May 1772 and was one of the many people to set up the Brahmo Sabha, which was a socio-religious reform movement. Akbar, the Mughal Emperor presented him with the title 'Raja'.
- Swami Vivekanand:
Narendra Nath was a Hindu monk and was better known as "Swami Vivekananda". His teachings and preachings were a great source for the world to know about the principles of the Hindu religion. He was a crucial part of the Hindi Reform Movements.
- Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar:
Ishwar Chandra Bandyopadhyay who was later known as 'Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar' was a social reformer who helped in the upliftment of Indian society. His efforts for the modernization of the Bengali culture were very important. Sanskrit College, Calcutta crowned him with the title 'Vidyasagar' which means ocean of knowledge in Hindi.