name pathogen causes pneumonia and list its symptoms and mode of transmission
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What is bacterial pneumonia?
Pneumonia is a common lung infectionwhere the lungs’ air sacks become inflamed. These sacs may also fill with fluid, pus, and cellular debris. It can be caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria. This article is about pneumonia caused by bacteria.
Bacterial pneumonia may involve just one small section of your lung, or it may encompass your entire lung. Pneumonia can make it difficult for your body to get enough oxygen to your blood, which can cause cells to not work properly.
Bacterial pneumonia can be mild or serious. The severity of your pneumonia depends on:
the strength of the bacteria
how quickly you are diagnosed and treated
your age
overall health
if you have other conditions or diseases
What are the symptoms of bacterial pneumonia?
The most common symptoms of bacterial pneumonia are:
a cough with thick yellow, green, or blood-tinged mucus
stabbing chest pain that worsens when coughing or breathing
sudden onset of chills severe enough to make you shake
fever of 102-105°F or above (fever lower than 102°F in older persons)
Other symptoms that may follow include:
muscle pain
breathlessness or rapid breathing
lethargy or severe fatigue
moist, pale skin
confusion, especially among older persons
loss of appetite
Older adults will share all the symptoms with younger adults, but are much more likely to experience confusion and dizziness. Older adults may also be less likely to have a fever.
Symptoms in children
Pneumonia can be particularly dangerous for infants, children, and toddlers. They may display similar symptoms to the ones above. In infants, difficulty breathing may show up as flaring nostrils or chest sinking when breathing. They may also exhibit blueish lips or nails, which indicates that they aren’t getting enough oxygen.
Emergency symptoms
Seek immediate medical attention if you are experiencing:
blood in mucus
trouble breathing
high fever of 102.5°F of higher
rapid heartbeat
skin with a bluish tone
What causes bacterial pneumonia?
Bacteria pneumonia is caused by bacteria that works its way into the lungs and then multiplies. It can occur on its own or develop after another illness, like a cold or the flu. People who have a higher risk for pneumonia may:
have weakened immune systems(due to age, diseases, or malnutrition)
have respiratory diseases
be recovering from surgery
Doctors classify bacterial pneumonia based on whether it developed inside or outside a hospital.
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP):This is the most common type of bacterial pneumonia. CAP occurs when you get an infection after exposure to bacterial agents outside of a healthcare setting. You can get CAP by breathing in respiratory droplets from coughs or sneezes, or by skin-to-skin contact.
Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP): HAP occurs within two to three days of exposure to germs in a medical setting, such as a hospital or doctor’s office. This is also called a “nosocomial infection.” This type of pneumonia is often more resistant to antibiotics and more is difficult to treat than CAP
thnx bhai
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