name some medicinal plants also write their properties
Chamomile. (Flower) Considered by some to be a cure-all, chamomile is commonly used in the U.S. as ananxiolytic and sedative for anxiety and relaxation. ...
Echinacea. (Leaf, stalk, root) ...
Feverfew. (Leaf) ...
Garlic. (Cloves, root) ...
Ginger. (Root) ...
Gingko. (Leaf) ...
Ginseng. (Root) ...
Goldenseal. (Root, rhizome)
. Dandelion
You should think twice before removing those pesky dandelions (taraxacum) from your front yard! Dandelions are not only edible, but they are also full of health benefits. These medicinal plants are packed with things that are great for you: vitamin K, vitamin C, iron, calcium and more. These vitamins and minerals help support strong bone and liver health. All parts of a dandelion are useful and good for you. For example, dandelion roots are commonly used for teas, the leaves are used as garnishes for different dishes and dandelion sap is great for your skin!
Dandelion health benefits:
Detoxifies liver and supports overall liver health
Treats skin infection
Supports overall bone health
Treats and helps prevent urinary infections
Common uses:
Brew roots for a tea
Use leaves as garnish for dishes
Consume as a pill