Name some regions where agents of gradation had made landforms
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Secondary SchoolGeography 5 points
Name one of the main agents of gradation or denudation
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Gradation is the process that changes the surface features of the earth through agents suchas gravity, running water, waves, wind, and glaciers. Gradation includes erosion,transportation and deposition of earth materials. Gradational process can be divided intotwo general types:a) Degradation, which refers to the wearing down of the land by erosion andtransportation, and b) Aggradation, which refers to the accumulation of eroded materialsthrough deposition. The combined effect of degradaton and aggradation is to smooth out the land surface byeroding places of high elevation and filling in areas of lower elevation to a point whereerosional forces can no longer operate. This point is known as base level.
Rivers generally originate from the mountains or hills. ivers are the most powerful agentof gradation. !t has three basic functions, namely erosional, depositional andtransportation. The river has three stages from its origin till it reaches the ocean. Theupper course, the middle course and the lower course. The river has different amountof water in different seasons it depending upon its sources. "ome rivers have water inthem through out the year and some rivers do not water in them during the dryseason. These rivers are called perennial and non#perennial respectably.