name that type of alluvial soil which has high concentration of kankar modules.
Alluvial soil can be divided into two types: 1. khadar, and 2. Bangar. The soil formed due to the fresh alluvial deposit is known as Khadar soil. As this soil is formed due to the river floods, it is found mostly nearly the rivers. Generally such soil is sandy. Soil containing old alluvium in the upper valley region of a river is called Bangar soil. It is sticky and has dark colour. Alluvial soil is seen in many parts of the country. Their fertility is also different at different places. Generally, such soil is very fertile. It is found in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, west Bengal etc.
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Alluvial soil can be divided into two types : 1.
Khadar, and 2. Bangar. The soil formed due to the fresh alluvial deposit is known as Khadar soil. As this soil is formed due to the river floods, it is found mostly nearly the rivers. Generally such soil is sandy. Soil containing old alluvial in the upper valley region of a river is called Bangar soil. It is sticky and has dark colour. Alluvial soil is seen in many parts of the country. Their fertility is also different at different places. Generally, such soil is very fertile. It is found in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal etc.
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