name the animal which produce us food Y
Four animals which provide us with food are:
Cow: It is a dairy animal which provides us with milk and dairy products.
Chickens: Chicken is the most popular poultry bird raised for eggs and meat. Eggs have a high content of a protein called albumin, which is the main constituent of the white portion.
Goat: Meat from goats is a type of red meat. Goats also produce milk that can be made into cheese, yoghurt, soap and baby formula. Goat’s milk is a good replacement for babies who are allergic to cow’s milk.
Fish: Fish serve as a source of protein. Fish eggs, called caviar, are also used as food and are considered a delicacy. Fish oils are a by-product of fish and are said to improve mental health, decrease the risk of cancer and increase heart health.
Hope will be helpful ☺️