Science, asked by suleyash05, 8 months ago

Name the causative agent of tuberculosis. Give two symptoms of the disease and write its preventive mea
A) What are macro nutrients? B) Name any two macro nutrients. C) Why organisms need nitrogen​


Answered by SandeepRobert

Answer: The causitive agent of T. B. is bacterium tuberculosis. A) Macro nutrients are those nutrients that are required in more quantity than micro nutrients. It can be for humans and plants. B) Nitrogen and phosphorus. C) In plants, Nitrogen plays an important role in the growth especially in the height of the plant .


Answered by yamini0906


Headache,Stomach pain,Lossing of appitet etc.are the symptoms of T.B.


Large amount of nutrients called macro nutrients.

Nitrogen, Oxygen are two macro nutrients.

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