Biology, asked by tillquote15011, 11 months ago

Name the different part of forebrain and mention their function


Answered by alokp1800
The cerebral cortex can be divided into four sections, which are known as lobes (see image). The frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe have been associated with different functions ranging from reasoning to auditory perception.
Answered by Anonymous


  • The forebrain consists of cerebrum, thalamus and hypothalamus. Cerebrum forms the major part of the human brain.
  • A deep cleft divides the cerebrum longitudinally into two halves, which are termed as the left and right cerebral hemispheres.
  • The hemispheres are connected by a tract of nerve fibres called corpus callosum.
  • The layer of cells that covers the cerebral hemispheres is called cerebral cortex.
  • The cerebral cortex contains motor areas, sensory areas and large regions that are neither clearly sensory nor motor in function.
  • These regions called as the association areas are responsible for complex functions like inter-sensory associations, memory and communication.
  • The cerebrum wraps around a structure called thalamus, which is a major coordinating centre for sensory and motor signalling.
  • Another very important part of the brain called hypothalamus lies at the base of the thalamus.
  • The hypothalamus contains a number of centres which control body temperature, urge for eating and drinking.
  • It also contains several groups of neurosecretory cells, which secrete hormones called hypothalamic hormones.
  • The limbic system is also the part of forebrain.
  • Along with the hypothalamus, the limbic system is involved in the regulation of sexual behaviour, expression of emotional reactions like excitement, pleasure, rage and fear.
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