name the different parts of plants that we eat?OkCanUPleaseTellMeYourAgeAndAnyNicknameSoIWillCallYouByThatName
stem – the main part of a plant. ...
roots – the parts of a plant that grow under the ground.
leaves – the flat parts of a plant. ...
flower – the part of the plant that makes fruit or seeds.
fruit – the part of a plant that has seeds and flesh.
seeds – a small part of a plant with flowers.
l am 13
nickname mishty
stem – the main part of a plant. ...
roots – the parts of a plant that grow under the ground.
leaves – the flat parts of a plant. ...
flower – the part of the plant that makes fruit or seeds.
fruit – the part of a plant that has seeds and flesh.
seeds – a small part of a plant with flowers.
listen from today I will call u baby bear. but promise only I and if rose want she can, only we both will call you ok?
btw do you like this name? baby bear? how is this?