English, asked by kanukuntlamounika20, 8 months ago

Name the discase nicks


Answered by mugi55


Cat have discase nick


Because of cat

Answered by anupyamohanty27



Name Source Symptoms

AMPS - Acquired Metastructural Pediculosis Pontypool Changes Everything

by Tony Burgess A "metaphysical, deconstructionist" virus spread by the English language. Symptoms begin with Palilalia as they repeat certain words (usually terms of endearment), proceeding to full Aphasia and finally cannibalistic rage as the victim falls to insanity from an inability to express themselves clearly.

Andromeda The Andromeda Strain

by Michael Crichton A rapidly mutating alien pathogen that (in its most virulent form) causes near-instantaneous blood-clotting.

ARIA – Alien Retrograde Infectious Amnesia The Aria Trilogy

by Geoff Nelder A plague accidentally contracted from an "alien suitcase". Symptoms appear to be non-specific fever-like symptoms and retrograde amnesia.

Atlantis Complex Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex

by Eoin Colfer A psychosis common in guilt ridden fairies, but is contracted by Artemis by his dabbling in fairy magic. The symptoms include obsessive compulsive behavior, paranoia, multiple personality disorder, and in his case professing his love to Holly Short.

Bazi Plague The Gor Series

by John Norman Bazi plague is a deadly, rapidly spreading disease with no known cure. Its symptoms include pustules that appear all over the body, and a yellowing of the whites of the eyes.

Black Trump Virus Wild Cards

by George R. R. Martin The Black Trump virus is a variant of Xenovirus Takis-B. Rather than a cure, this retrovirus was designed to kill aces, jokers, latents, and wild card carriers. Dr. Tachyon's original Trump virus was designed to turn wild carders back into nats (a slang term for naturals), those who do not carry Xenovirus Takis-A in their system.

Bloodfire Blood Nation A virus that gestated in wolves two thousand years ago. The first to be infected was Genghis Khan. It causes the symptoms usually associated with vampirism, photosensitivity and invincibility. The entire nation of Russia is infected, except for a few feral children. The virus can cause extreme mutation, for example the snake's tail present in the Khan's head scientist.

Brainpox "Cobra" The Cobra Event A genetically engineered recombinant virus made from the nuclear polyhedrosis virus, the rhinovirus, and smallpox. It causes nightmares, fever, chills, runny nose, encephalitis (brain swelling), and herpes-like boils in the mouth and genitals, followed by a short period of aggression and autocannibalism preceding death. Used as a bioterror weapon.

Buscard's Murrain a.k.a. Wormword "Entry Taken from a Medical Encyclopaedia"

by China Miéville An echolalia-like disease in which a specific pronunciation of a certain word—the "wormword"—leads to fatally degenerative cognitive ability as a result of an encephalopathy. Buscard's Murrain is infectious, as the afflicted desire to hear others pronounce the wormword.

Captain Trips ("Superflu", "tube neck", and "project blue") The Stand

by Stephen King A deadly, flu-based virus. Created as a biological weapon codenamed Blue. Causes a lethally high fever and is highly contagious. It is deadly because as the body fights off the disease, it m

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