Name the domains, the imbalance between which leads to the following events.

air pollution The hourly concentrations of six major air pollutants--particulate matter with a diameter less than 10 μm (PM10), sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone—were continuously measured by air-monitoring stations located in these six primary schools. Weather data, including temperature, wind speed and direction, and precipitation, were also measured continuously in these air-monitoring stations.The environmental data obtained from school-based monitoring stations, which are located in community centers, are generally well representative of a community's ambient air quality in Taiwan (20). Since Taiwanese schoolchildren spend most of their outdoor time at school, where classrooms are always well ventilated naturally and without air conditioning, we calculated daytime averages ofenvironmental data from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in order to represent their outdoor exposures. A questionnaire survey on home characteristics (described below) was used to account for children's potential exposures to air pollutants indoors.