Name the earth movements caused by forces of compression.
Processes operating in the interior of the earth resulting in the formation of natural physical features or landforms.
They are caused by earth movements.
Examples of these processes are folding, faulting and Vulcanicity.
Formation of land forms by internal land forming processes is determined by:
Nature and age of earth materials
Type of movement involved
Intensity and scale of movement involved
Crustal Earth Movements
-Displacement of the earth’s crustal rocks.
They are brought about by tectonic forces which originate and operate in the interior of the earth e.g. tensional forces (which operate along horizontal plane moving away from each other), compressional forces (which operate along horizontal plane moving towards each other), shear forces (which move past each other with unequal strength) and gravitational forces (which attracts things to the earths centre).
Earth movements are of 2 types:
1. Horizontal/lateral/orogenic movements
2. Vertical/epeirogenic movements
Horizontal Earth Movements
-Movements which act along a horizontal plane within crustal rocks.
They are caused by tensional and compressional and shear forces.