Biology, asked by fouzsami7702, 1 year ago

Name the enzyme involved in continuous replication of DNA strand. Mention the polarity of the template strand.


Answered by captainkhan85
DNA polymerase is involved in the continuous replication of DNA strand.

Polarity of the strand is 5’-----> 3’.
Answered by sailorking


DNA strands replication is made possible by the enzyme known as DNA polymers, and the genes get carried from the parents to the child, that is the reason why children gets some properties of there parents, like face cutting, height or voice.


The polarity of the template is 5' to 3'. There are many chemicals in combination, and DNA is responsible for carrying the genetic information from the parents to the child, the information stored in it activates various hormones of the body in the child and gradually making child look alike parents.

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