Biology, asked by vj0098, 7 months ago

name the enzymes and there secretions and along with their function produce in the (a)mouth (b)stomach (b)small intestine​


Answered by karanthprabhakar

Hey mate!

a) Salivary Amylase: Helps to break down food particles in the initial stage(ingestion)

b) Pepsin: Helps in protein digestion

c) Intestinal juice: converts

* carbohydrates into glucose

* Proteins into amino acids

* Fats into fatty acids and Glycerol.

Hope this helps...


@pavana karanth

Answered by bhumikamangela040420



a) saliva- it includes amylase(ptyalin) and lysozymes and some electrolytes.

              30% of starch is digested to maltose with the help of amylase. it also protects mouth from infection of bacteria by killing them as it contains lysozyme.

b) stomach- cells present in gastric mucosa.

                    i) oxyntic cells/ parietal cells- secretes HCl.

                    ii) cheif cells/ peptic cells- secrete proenzyme pepsinogen.

                  iii) goblet cells- secretes mucus linning over inner layer of stomach protect it from HCl secretion.

pepsinogen is converted to pepsin due to HCl which further hydrolyses proteins to proteoses and peptones.

some gastric lipases are secreted to convert fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

rennin (only found in infants) is secreted to digest milk protein casein to

Ca- paracaseinate.

c) small intestine- crypts of lieberkunh (intestinal mucosa) secretes following

  • Enterokinase-  trypsinogen → trypsin
  • Erepsin- Peptides → dipeptides and amino acids
  • Dipeptidase- Dipeptides → amino acids
  • Lipase- fats → glycerol and fatty acids
  • Maltase- maltose → glucose
  • sucrase- sucrose→ glucose and fructose
  • Lactase- lactose→ glucose and galactose
  • Nucleotidase- nucleotides→ nucleosides
  • Nucleosidase- nucleosides→ free bases.



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