Name the factors responsible for the location of industries.
Industrial location factors
Industrial location factorspower supply.
Industrial location factorspower supply.communications - including transport, telecommunications.
Industrial location factorspower supply.communications - including transport, telecommunications.labour supply - including workers with the right skills.
Industrial location factorspower supply.communications - including transport, telecommunications.labour supply - including workers with the right skills.access to market - where the goods are sold.
Industrial location factorspower supply.communications - including transport, telecommunications.labour supply - including workers with the right skills.access to market - where the goods are sold.grants and financial incentives - usually from governments.
Industrial location factorspower supply.communications - including transport, telecommunications.labour supply - including workers with the right skills.access to market - where the goods are sold.grants and financial incentives - usually from governments.raw materials.
Industrial location factors
power supply.
communications - including transport, telecommunications.
labour supply - including workers with the right skills.
access to market - where the goods are sold.
grants and financial incentives - usually from governments.
raw materials.