Sociology, asked by amishabhuptani2019, 8 months ago

Name The five rarest animals found in North America and Southern California. ​


Answered by sumitnautiyal25


in California Southern Sea Otter,El Segundo Blue Butterfly,Peregrine Falcon,Humpback Whale,Bald Eagle.

Answered by supikaur09



  • Mountain beaver

This forest rodent isn’t closely related to true beavers: it’s a member of a group that so resembles ancient ancestral rodents that some people call the mountain beaver a “living fossil,”

  • Island night lizard

It’s not all that easy to see night lizards in the first place, as they tend to spend almost all their time under things: fallen trees, talus, even sheets of plywood. But with most species like the related desert night lizard, if you set out to find them you’ll see them eventually.

  • Inyo California towhee

Towhees are a dime a dozen in California cities. But this desert-dwelling subspecies, Pipilo crissalis eremophilus, whose range is mainly on the China Lake Naval Weapons Station, boasts fewer than 1,000 individuals, all of them restricted to the southern Argus Range in Inyo County.

  • Limestone salamander
  • California’s a virtual factory of salamander evolution. Sprinkle a bunch of ancestral amphibians across our diverse landscape, with its pockets of moist canyons surrounded by more arid hillsides and plains, and you’re guaranteed to generate a whole lot of different kinds of salamanders as they evolve in isolation from their kin in other wet spots.
  • Wolverine
  • The wolverine (Gulo gulo,) a fierce carnivore in the weasel family, is a bit of an edge case here.

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