English, asked by zeauddinmolla982, 1 month ago

Name the following.

1. A pa.th alo.ng w.hich elec.tro.ns can fl.ow .

2. A circ.uit where there is a bre.ak such that elec.tric cur.rent cannot pas.s thro.ugh .

3. A dev.ice that is us.ed to ope.n or close a circuit .

4. A circ.uit in which there is a sin.gl.e way for elect.ric curre.nt to flo.w betw.een the termi.nals of a bat.tery.

5. The ki.nd of circ.uits used to con.nect hous.eh.old ele.ctr.ical ite.ms. ​


Answered by Anchalkanthi


1) circuit

2) open circuit

3) switches

4) I dont know

5) parallel circuit

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