English, asked by Anonymous, 5 months ago

1. The Macedonian ruler who attacked India in 326 BCE.
2. The founder of Mauryan Dynasty:
3. The Brahmana scholar who was the guide and adviser of Chandragupta Muraurya:
4. The Greek governor who was defeated by Chandragupta Maurya:
S. He was sent as an Ambasador to the court of Chandragupta Maurya:-
6. Chandragupta Maurya's successor :
7. The first king in the ancient world to give up war and proclaim peace:
8. Special officers uppointed by Ashoka to spread and enforce dic principles of Dhamma throughout
his empire:
9. Royal orders or proclamations:
10. Capital of the Mauryan Empire:
11. The council of minister who ndvised the Mauryan king in administration
12. This book provided guidelines for the Mauryan kings for good goverzince :
13.A semi-spherical mound containing the relies of Buddha:
14. A Buddhist monastery for inonks and nons
1. Alexander's most famous battle was with King
whose kingdom Lay
between Jhelum and Chenab rivers
2. Chandragupta Maurya defeated the
king to seize the throne of Magadha
3. Towards the end of his life Chandraguplu Maurya became a
monk and gave up
his throne in favour of his son
4. Ashoka is populary referred to as
5. Dhamma is a Prakrit word derived from the Sanskrit term
It means the


Answered by zakeerabdul
Chandra Gupta Maurya
Seleucus Nicator
Dhamma mahamantras

A proclamation (Lat. proclamare, to make public by announcement) is an official declaration issued by a person of authority to make certain announcements known. Proclamations are currently used within the governing framework of some nations and are usually issued in the name of the head of state.


The establishment of the Mauryan empire in contrast to the earlier smaller kingdoms ushered in a new form of government, that of a centralized empire.

The Mauryan Empire indicates the triumph of monarchy as a political system over tribal republics. A study of the Arthasastra in conjunction with the edicts provides information regarding the administrative structure.

At the centre of the structure was the king who had the power to enact laws. Kautilya advises the King to promulgate dharma when the social order based on the varnas and ashramas (stages in life) perishes.

Stupa. A stupa is a mound-like or semi-hem spherical structure containing Buddhist relics, typically the ashes of Buddhist monks, used by Buddhists as a place of meditation.

Buddhist monasteries are generally called vihara (Pali language). Viharas may be occupied by men or women, and in keeping with common English usage, a vihara populated by females may often be called a nunnery or a convent. However, vihara can also refer to a temple. ... In Burma, a monastery is called a kyaung.

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