name the following :
a device used to study the anomalous behaviour of water
Hope's mechanical assembly or apparatus is a glass barrel surrounded with a trough with freezing mixture. Gaps in the chamber at its peak and the base enable thermometers to be embedded into the water to test its temperature. After an adequate time-frame the dense water gathers at the base at a temperature of 4°C.
Expansion of water anomaly is a property of water where water expands instead of contracting when the temperature goes from 4°C to 0°C, and it turns out to be less thick. Regularly, fluids contract on cooling and there will be increment in its density.
Water achieves its most extreme density at 4°C. This is due to hydrogen holding between the oxygen particles that are charged negatively and the hydrogen molecules that are charged positively, from two unique water molecules.

Hope's Apparatus
But as device is asked it may be else