name the following
any group name present in the design tab.
The Design tab consists of groups of commands that you can use create, modify, manipulate, dimension, and analyze geometry.
Clipboard Group
Use the Clipboard commands to cut, copy, and paste entities in a layout.
• Paste—Pastes the selected entities from the clipboard to the layout.
• Cut—Cuts the selected entities and places them on the clipboard.
• Copy—Copies the selected entities to the clipboard.
• Format Painter—Copies the formatting settings.
Select Group
Use the Selection commands to select entities individually, or by defining a region.
• Select
◦ Box—Selects by dragging a rectangle to enclose entities.
◦ Lasso—Selects by using the pointer to surround entities.
◦ Fence—Selects by using the pointer to touch entities.
◦ Chain—Selects a string of entities by holding down the CTRL key and selecting the first and last curve or line entity.
• Select All—Selects all entities in the layout.
• Invert—Toggles selected and unselected entities.
• Restrict—Limits selection to the active node.