Name the following : -
i) methods of family planning. ii) Fat soluble vitamin iii) Two sexual diseases
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not knwo first one but know the second and thir one and please mark me as brainlest
vitamen A D Eand k are callled fat soluble vitamine
sexual dissease are aids and periods
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i) Methods of family planning .
• Following methods are used -
- Intra Uterine Devices ( IUDs )
- Barrier methods like condom and diaphragm .
- Contraceptive pills .
- Surgical Methods like Vasectomy and Tubectomy .
- Implants
• Apart from these methods , the parents or couple should be aware of the concept of family planning . They should plan for less babies so that they could raise them efficiently . Programme for family plannings were initially launched in 1951 in India .
ii) Fat soluble vitamins
• Fat soluble vitamins are Vitamin A , K , D and E .
▶Fat soluble Vitamins : Those vitamins which are absorbed alongwith the fats and get stored in fatty tissues of the body .
iii) Two sexual diseases
- Hepatitis B : It is passed on through unprotected sexual contact . Another reason may include infected syringes and needles . It may also transmit vertically that is from mother to her baby during child birth .
- Syphilis : It is a contagious disease spread through sexual contact . It is basically bacterial infection . May also spread through infected needles or syringes and from mother to her baby during child birth . It is characterised by painless sores .
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