Chemistry, asked by kavyathakkar81972, 16 days ago

name the following icse class 9
1. The fundamental law which is involved in every equation.
2. Another gas which supports combustion like oxygen.
3. The reaction in which heat is evolved.
4. The scientist who discovered nucleus.
5. The Indian sage who first propounded the idea of atom (anu).
6. A pentahydrated crystalline salt which is blue in colour.
7. The scientist who put forth the modern structure of atom.
8. An electrostatic bond formed between a metal and a non – metal.
9. A molecule having triple covalent bond.
10.A non – metal having properties similar to carbon.
11.Two alkali metals.
12.Two alkaline earth metals.
13.Special name given to group 17.
14.A gas which gives dense white fumes with conc. HCl.
15.A gas which burns with pop sound.
16.The scientist who stated the ‘Modern Periodic Law’.
17.A substance (residue) which is yellow when hot and white when cold.
18.A gas which turns moist starch iodide paper blue black.
19.A metalloid in third period.
20.A salt whose solubility decreases with rise in temperature.
21.An inert gas having a complete duplet.
22.A general name for electrons that takes part in a chemical change.
23.A colourless gas having sharp biting odour and is basic in nature.
24.The reaction in which energy is absorbed.
25.The bond formed by the mutual sharing of electrons.
26.The particle which was bombarded on gold foil by Rutherford for discovery
of nucleus.
27.A gas evolved when copper carbonate is heated strongly.
28.Two solids whose solubility remains unaffected with the rise in temperature.
29.The chemical bond present in CCl4.
30.The shortest period of the periodic table.
31.The incomplete period in periodic table.
32.Two neutral gases.
33.Two acidic gases.
34.An efflorescent substance.
35.A deliquescent substance.
36.The element present in group 1 and period 2.
37.A metal which burns with a golden yellow flame.
38.A metal which burns with lilac flame.


Answered by rmnkkaur22


3. exothermic reaction

8. ionic bond

29. covalent bond

32. helium , argon ,neon

36. lithium

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