Name The forms of Precipitation
The most common types of precipitation are rain, hail, and snow. Rain is precipitation that falls to the surface of the Earth as water droplets.
Types of Prescription:
Prescription for Extemporaneous preparations
Prescription for Official preparations
Prescription for Patent preparations
Contents of the Prescription :
Prescribers office information: Name, qualification, address & Regn. No.
Patient information: Name & address, Age, Sex, Ref.No.
Rx Symbol (Known as Superscription Part)
Medication Prescribed (Known as Inscription Part)
Dispensing directions to Pharmacist (Known as Subscription Part)
Directions for patient [to be placed on lable
Refill, Special labeling and /or other instructions
Prescriber’s signature and licence (or) Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) number as required.
Under Drug and Cosmetic Act, 1945, A Prescription should have following particulars:
“For the purposes of clause (9) a prescription shall
(a) be in writing and be signed by the person giving it with his usual signature and be dated by him;
(b) specify the name and address of the person for whose treatment it is given, or the name and address of the owner of the animal if the drug is meant for veterinary use;]
(c) indicate the total amount of the medicine to be supplied and the dose to be taken.”
Let discuss more about Types of Prescription. Content of the prescription is clearly defined and don’t require any further elaboration to under. but many readers will be confused about types of prescription.