Name the French artd who prepare a series
of four prints visualy has dreams of new world
In the year 1848, a French artist named Frederic Sorrieu prepared a series of four prints visualizing his dream of a world made up of 'democratic and social Republics'.
Frederic Sorrieu
In the year 1848, a French artist named Frederic Sorrieu prepared a series of four prints visualizing his dream of a world made up of ‘democratic and social Republics’.
In 1848, he came up with 4 prints based on his dream for democratic and specialist republics.
In those prints, he included people from different countries such as Europe and America, Switzerland, France, Germany, Poland, etc.
With the help of the print, he wanted to depict the feelings of people towards freedom and liberty. Each picture symbolizes a major problem involved in the nation.