Name the function of the gram panchayat

Main functions of the Gram Panchayat are: Maintenance and construction of water resources, roads, drainage, School buildings and CPR (common property resources). Levy and collect local taxes. Execute government schemes related to employment.
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. Write the main functions of Gram Panchayat?
Ans: Main functions of the Gram Panchayat are:
Maintenance and construction of water resources, roads, drainage, School buildings and CPR (common property resources).
Levy and collect local taxes.
Execute government schemes related to employment.
Q2. Name the three levels of the Panchayat.
Ans: The three levels are:
Gaon Panchayat at the village level
Anchalik/ Janpad / Block or Panchayat Samiti at the block level
Zilla Parishad at the district level