name the impersonal roles played by managers
Interpersonal roles include: figurehead, leader, and liason. Informational roles include: mentor, disseminator, and spokesman. Decisional roles include: entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. It is important to recognize that no single manager can be all things to all people at once.
n 1973, Henry Mintzberg – a Canadian academic and author on business and management published a book called ‘The Nature of Managerial Work’. A classic now, Mintzberg based his book on data derived from the time diaries of male executives.
The data suggested that managers actually did not spend a lot of time on planning or strategizing. On the contrary, they spent most of their day answering telephone calls, solving problems, dealing with people, responding to crises, and had to deal with interruptions regularly.
He found that managers could not stick to one task since they were constantly being interrupted either by a phone call or a crisis. Over the years, managerial roles have become busier and more stressful.
So much so, that managers find their days never-ending. With an economy that runs 24x7x365, multiple chains of command, numerous projects, and frequently changing technology, etc., managers have a tough time on their jobs.