Name the implements ( tools ) used in agricultural field. Write one use of each
Agricultural Tools
Hand Sickle. A sickle is a hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curved blade typically used for harvesting grain crops or cutting succulent forage chiefly for feeding livestock (either freshly cut or dried as hay). ...
Shovel & Spade. ...
Axe. ...
Pickaxe. ...
1. Combine Harvester
Combine harvester is used for cutting, threshing, cleaning, and loading in. It saves about 80-90% labour requirement and 33% cost of operations compared to traditional method.
2. Maize Harvester
This device is helpful for systematic harvesting primarily for Fodder Crops including Maize, Sorghum, Millet, SugarCane, Sunflower, Maize, and Thresher.
3. Wheat Harvester
The machine is used for harvesting wheat crop.
4. Sugar Cane Harvester
The machine is used to yield sugarcane crop.
5. Paddy Harvester
The instrument is used for harvesting and windrowing of non-lodging paddy varieties and other similar cereal crops.
6. Thresher
The machine is used to thresh the seeds from the harvested crop. When harvested crop is fed in to machine it gives seed and straw separately.
7. Maize Thresher
Without peeling the outer layer, the machine is used for threshing the maize.
8. GroundnutThresher
The equipment is used for separation of groundnut pods from harvested plants
9. Wheat Thresher
Wheat thresher is used for threshing wheat grain.
10. Paddy Thresher
The machine is used for threshing seeds from harvested crop.