name the important receptor and their functions
Receptors are proteins or glycoprotein that bind signaling molecules known as first messengers, or ligands. They can initiate a signaling cascade, or chemical response, that induces cell growth, division, and death or opens membrane channels. They are important because they convey signals via ligand binding. Mark it as the brainliest.
Receptor (Sensory receptors) are mainly of four types:
a) Chemical receptors known as Chemoreceptors.
b) Temperature receptors known as Thermoreceptors.
c) Pressure receptors known as Mechanoreceptors.
d) Light receptors known as Photoreceptors.
An important receptor among these, is Chemical Receptor Acetylcholine.
Functions of this receptor are:
a) It is a neurotransmitter that is released to activate muscles.
b) This chemo-receptor activates the pain responses.
c) Acetylcholine regulates the endocrine glands.