name the italian bee intrduced in india . write its merits
Apis mellifera ligustica is the Italian bee which is a subspecies of the western honey bee (Apis mellifera).
shows strong disposition to breeding and very prolific[2]
cleanliness/excellent housekeeper (which some scientists think might be a factor in disease resistance)
uses little propilis
excellent foragers
superb comb builder (writing in Switzerland in 1862, H. C. Hermann stated the comb of an Italian bee-cell occupied only 15 cells for every 16 of the common black bee, and the cubic content was larger by 30%)
covers the honey with brilliant white cappings
shows lower swarming tendency than other Western honey bee races
for areas with continuous nectar flow and favorable weather throughout the summer
a willingness to enter supers
tendency to collect flower honey rather than honey dew (of value only in countries where the colour of the honey determines the price)
Italian Bee Introduced In India Is Apis Cerana Indica. Its Merits Are:
1. It Produces More Honey Compared To India Bees.