Geography, asked by doll7345, 1 year ago

Name the major crops cultivated in different types of agriculture such as permanent agriculture, plantation farming, horticulture and market gardening. In which of the seasons are these crops raised? What kind of geographical conditions are required for such types of cultivation? attempt a comarative discussion.


Answered by dreamrob

• Major crops in permanent agriculture includes trees and shrubs.

These are not rotation crops, harvesting for more than five years.

For example apple, citrus fruits, blueberry, etc.

These crops need adequate temperature and good soil for cultivation.

• Major crops in plantation farming include coconut, oil palm, cashew, tea, rubber, etc.

These crops are commercial crops cultivated in large quantities for exports.

Plantation agriculture needs tropical areas to cultivate commercial crops.

These crops raised in monsoon seasons.

Temperature for this plantation crops need 18° to 30° c requires rainfall during germination.

• Major Horticulture crops include vegetables, fruits, flowers, and medicinal plants.

Horticultural crops need temperature, humidity, sufficient light, and wind.

These are grown in particular places, climatic factors affect the growth of crops.

• Major crops in Market gardening include leafy vegetables, peas, flowers, mushrooms, etc.

These crops are grown in the spring season.

Market gardening is closely related to horticulture.

Fertile alluvial soils are suitable for commercial paddy and market garden crops cultivation.

• Plantation crops need so many years to grow but commercial crops need less time and give profitable results in farming.

• Horticulture and market gardening are almost given the same results but they need appropriate climate and soil for cultivation.

Answered by bratislava

Name the major crops cultivated in different types of agriculture. In which of the seasons are these crops raised,  What kind of geographical conditions are required for such types of cultivation.


  • The farming system in India is characterized by the subsistence farming and the organic farming and the industrial farming and other types of the regions in India that offers special types of the use of the farming.
  • The plantation system is a commercial type of the farming system and where the crops are grown to make profits and mainly in the tropical climate and the plants that are grown are those of the rice, cotton, tea coffee, sugar cane, and the palm and the rubber crops.
  • Those of the horticulture is the flowers, sale of fruits, nuts, and vegetables, and the ornament and fancy and the carrots, asparagus, lettuce, cauliflower, tomatoes while those of the market gardening are the frequently sold directly to consumers and restaurants raising vegetables and berries, and is the specialized farming, with the larger branches of grain, dairy, and orchard fruit farming.
  • Most of them are grown through the year and they need enough of sunshine and right moisture conditions to grow for the plantation crops need water is a need in abundance and orchids are found in plain regions and the plantation crops like those of the rice are found in the slopes and hilly tracks. And beds about the temperatures above the 20 degrees.

Know more about the type of the agriculture in which season are they cultivated and there needed conditions.

  • answered by Dreamrob.
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