name the major pollutants of air. what are their sources? what are their ill effect? explain briefly?
1]carbon monoxide- automobile emissions, fires, industrial processes
2]nitrogen oxide- automobile emissions, electricity generation, industrial processes
3]sulfur dioxide- electricity generation, fossil-fuel combustion, industrial processes, automobile emissions
Expalanation: effects:-term health effects from air pollution include heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases such as emphysema. Air pollution can also cause long-term damage to people's nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs. Some scientists suspect air pollutants cause birth defect
The gaseous criteria air pollutants of primary concern in urban settings include sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide; these are emitted directly into the air from fossil fuels such as fuel oil, gasoline, and natural gas that are burned in power plants, automobiles, and other combustion sources.