Biology, asked by vishnushankarray1974, 7 months ago

Name the opening through which
water leaves the body
Cavity of sponges. What is this
Body cavity called ?​


Answered by Lamesoul

"Osculum "

Let me explain the answer briefly ..

  • Water enters the body cavity of sponges through Ostia (a minute pore).

  • Then it moves to the central cavity , known as Spongocoel.

  • Finally it finds it's pathway out if the sponge's body through Osculum ..

This pathway also helps in gathering Food and for purposes of respiration too.

Answered by seanamariam9



A spongocoel Is the large, central cavity of sponges. Water enters the spongocoel through hundreds of tiny pores (Ostia) and exits through the larger opening (osculum)

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