Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Name the organ which help us to see the world around us?


Answered by anzil1
eye is the organ. ...........................
Answered by aatif5
We have five senses with which to sense what is happening in the world around us, although these are not equal. In particular, what we see dominates the other senses, closely followed by what we hear. Touch, taste and smell are significant in specific circumstances (such as eating), but for change they are seldom of interest. This stream of input into our brains is guided by our attention, which turns our heads and moves our bodies, as well as being able to create a narrow or broad focus.

Five senses: the interfaceAttention: the shining torch

Our attention is like a torch, shining into areas where we are interested. We move our body, turn our head, and in doing so we focus and limit what is available for our senses.

There are two zones of attention: the real zone of close is very small. For example at any one time we visually focus on only a spot about an inch in diameter. We also have a much broader zone of awareness, although much of this is actually filled in later by our very helpful brains.

Men and women tend to be different in the focus of attention they follow. Men typically will focus on one thing at one time. For example when they are watching a football match, their ears will seem to 'turn off'. Women can do more things at once, watching a television program whilst holding a conversation and maybe even doing some knitting. This is not a item of gender bias: it comes from the different way our brains are wired.


Vision is often a the primary sense as we get much useful information about the world around us from what we see. It is also complex and requires a lot of neural processing to turn it into useful information.

What we can see is limited by spectrum and intensity of electromagnetic radiation to which our eyes are sensitive. Too bright a light hurts, although we can see with surprising little illumination. 


Sound is usually the second most important sense as we not only detect things around us but very importantly use it for our major form of communication: language (without which, we would arguably be little better than our chimpanzee cousins). We also use little noises in our communication, perhaps throwing back to our animal past.

Our hearing is limited to frequencies at best from about 20Hz to 20,000Hz. Above about 100 decibels sound is no longer useful: it is only painful.


Touch is how we connect with the world around us, and our hands are one of our most important organs in this area.

We sometimes communicate with each other through touch, although this can be very intimate activity. Touching another person can be a sign of affection or (if it is rougher) a very clear indicator of dislike.

Something that we often do not notice is that we detect our emotions through touch. When we feel happy, angry or sad, these appear literally as bodily sensations, such as tingling or tension in the skin or deeper muscles.  


Taste is little used in communication, although it can have a strong pleasure element. It is well known by sales people that careful conversation over a good lunch is a powerful persuasion tool.


Smell is closely related to taste. In fact much of what we call taste is actually smell (which is why things become tasteless when we have a cold). Smell can be very evocative of emotions from disgust (at someone with bad breath or who breaks wind) to pleasure (from pheromones to perfumes). Smell is also the only sense that is wired directly into our cortex: all other senses are filtered through the mid-brain. Some of our earliest memories are around smells, and the smell of baby talcum powder will send many people into paroxysms of nostalgia.

Our sense of smell is so powerful, we can detect as little as one molecule. Excessive smell can be overpowering, as skunks know very well.

hope u got ur answer..
pls mark it as brainliest.

aatif5: thanku so much
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