English, asked by vmer0880, 1 year ago

Name the part of speech and give reason for it ​


Answered by trishabharti

there are 8 kind of part of speech.


1) noun- a noun is the name of a person, animal , place or things.


2) pronoun- a pronoun is a word used in a place of a noun.

ex-i,we,he, you,she.

3) adjective- an adjective is a word that qualifies a noun or a person.

ex- good, bad,.

4) verb- a verb is a word which shows an action, State or possession.

ex- eat,go, play

5) adverb- an adverb qualifies a verb, an adjective or another adverd.

ex- very, carefully

6) prepositions- a preposition is a word usually placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other words/word in the sentence.

ex- in, at, on.

7) conjunction- a conjunction is a word which joins words or sentence together.

ex- and, or, but.

8) interjection- an interjection is a word which expresses some sudden feeling or emotion.

ex- hello, oh, ah.

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