name the parts of vernier callipers and their functions
Vernier caliper parts
1.Main scale...The main scale is the large scale which runs along the body of the vernier caliper.
2.Lower jaws...The lower jaws allow the vernier caliper to measure outer dimensions of objects such as the length, width or diameter.
3.Upper and sorry internal jaws....The upper jaws are smaller in size and are attached to the upper portion of the vernier caliper.
4.The vernier scale. it.. The vernier caliper is a smaller scale attached to the main scale and can move along the main scale as the jaws are opened or closed.
5.Lock screw....The lock screw is used to fix the position of the jaws once the object is positioned properly so that readings can be taken without the fear of spoiling the position.
6.Thumb screw...The thumb screw is located at the bottom of the vernier scale.
The parts of vernier callipers are the main scale, vernier scale, upper jaws, lower jaws, depth rod, thumb screw and lock screw.
- Vernier callipers is a device used for linear measurements and also for measuring the diameters of round objects.
- The various parts of the verniers callipers and their functions are:
Main scale:
- It is the larger scale of the device that runs along the length.
- It measures the length of the objects in centimetres or millimetres.
Vernier scale:
- It is the smaller scale of the device which is attached to the main scale and moves along it.
- It helps in giving accurate measurements by dividing the measurements into smaller divisions.
Upper jaws:
- These are attached to the upper part of the vernier scale.
- Out of the two, one jaw is fixed while the other is movable.
- It is used to measure the inner dimensions of the objects.
Lower jaws:
- These are attached to the main scale.
- Out of the two, one jaw is fixed while the other is movable.
- It is used to measure the outer dimensions of the objects.
Depth rod:
- It is located at the end of the main scale.
- It is used to measure the depth of jars.
Thumb screw:
- It is present at the bottom of the vernier scale.
- It provides grip to the users.
Lock screw:
- It is used to lock or fix the objects to take proper readings.