English, asked by hemachandran8562, 11 months ago

Name the poetic device used in the line given my hert


Answered by ashasathish126


Alliteration is used in the lines 'Has given my heart' and 'And saved some part', as same consonants are used repeatedly in those lines.

Answered by tanvigupta426


Alliteration is used in the line given my heart.


Alliteration exists utilized in the lines 'Has given my heart' and 'And saved some part', as the same consonants are utilized frequently in those lines.

Alliteration exists in the repetition of an initial consonant sound in terms that exist in close closeness to each other. By “close proximity,” we indicate words that can "be but don’t have to be" consecutive.

Another phrase for alliteration exists “initial rhyme,” because it’s literally the lapse of a rhyme rather than replicating a sound at the end of two or more words, alliteration exists by replicating a sound at the origin of two or more words.


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