Name the positive and the negative terminal of dry cell?
This traditional dry cell consists of a carbon-rod cathode (positive terminal) immersed in a moist paste of MnIVO2, ZnIICl2, NH4Cl, and powdered carbon, which is contained in a metallic zinc-can anode (negative terminal)..
Metal on the carbon rod is positive terminal
Electrons flow from the negative (zinc) terminal to the positive (carbon) terminal. Electrons are then pumped back to the negative terminal.
This traditional dry cell consists of a carbon-rod cathode (positive terminal) immersed in a moist paste of MnIVO2, ZnIICl2, NH4Cl, and powdered carbon, which is contained in a metallic zinc-can anode (negative terminal)..
Metal on the carbon rod is positive terminal
Electrons flow from the negative (zinc) terminal to the positive (carbon) terminal. Electrons are then pumped back to the negative terminal.
A dry cell is usually made from zinc which serves as the anode with a negative electrical polarity, while the inert carbon rod is the positive ...
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