Biology, asked by palakthakur42841, 10 months ago

Name the prokaryote from the following A)amoeba B)chlamydomonas


Answered by alphinantony




Answered by Anonymous

It contrast to prokaryotic cell, eukaryotic cell, are highly organized.Bacteria and Archeae are prokaryotes while all thing organisms are eukaryotic .Amoeba are eukaryotic whose body most often consist of a single cell.. Their DNA packed into a central cellular compartemenet called the nucleus.

Bacteria= prokaryotes are orga isms whose does not contain a disticnt nucleus .banded by a nuclear envelope in interest eukaryotic organisms do have disticnt nuclei prokaryotes both includes bacteria and the archeae , which appear to only distantly related to bacteria....

Paramecium= paramecium are eukaryotes.In contrast to prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria and archeae eukaryotes have well organized. cell the defining feature of eukaryotic cell are precence of seacilized membrane bound cellular machinery called the nuclues which is a compartements the hold DNA.....

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