Name the Realms of the earth which are made up of non-living things.
We can look at Earth's surficial "layers" as being comprised of several major realms or "geospheres": the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and pedosphere.
Did you mean: name the realm of the earth which are made up of non living things
name the realms of the earth which are made up of non living things
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What are the Earth's Four Systems? - Geography Realm

18-Mar-2020 · Every living and non-living thing on Earth falls under one of these two main spheres which are the Earth's ...
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What are the 4 parts of the Earth system?
Everything in Earth's system can be placed into one of four major subsystems: land, water, living things, or air. These four subsystems are called "spheres." Specifically, they are the "lithosphere" (land), "hydrosphere" (water), "biosphere" (living things), and "atmosphere" (air).