Name the Relative Pronouns in the following sentences, tell the case of each, and mention its antecedent.
1. The pen that you gave me is a very good one.
2. The answer which you gave is not right.
3. I know the woman whose child was hurt.
4. Bring me the letters which the postman left.
5. This is the house that Jack built.
6. Hari saw the man who had been hurt.
7. We met the sailors whose ship was wrecked.
8. Here are the books which I found.
9. The cat killed the rat that ate the corn.
10. Bring me the books which lie on the table.
11. Here is the book that you lent me.
12. I hate children who are cruel.
13. Show me the knife that you have bought.
74. He has not brought the knife that I asked for.
15. Dogs soon know the persons by whom they are kindly treated.
16. This is the juggler whom we saw yesterday.
17. They that seek wisdom will be wise.
Answered by
1 - pronoun - that , antecedent- pen
2- pronoun -which,antecedent-answer
3-pronoun- whose, antecedent-woman
4-pronoun-which, antecedent-letters
5. pronoun-that, antecedent-house
6. pronoun-who, antecedent -man
7. pronoun-whose , antecedent-sailors
8.pronoun-which , antecedent-books
9.pronoun-that , antecedent -rat
10.pronoun-which, antecedent-books
11.pronoun- that , antecedent-book
12.pronoun-who, antecedent- children
13.pronoun-that, antecedent-knife
14.pronoun-that, antecedent-knife
15.pronoun-whom, antecedent-persons
16.pronoun-whom., antecedent-juggler
17.pronoun -that, antecedent-they
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