Biology, asked by 11akshita18, 1 year ago

name the sensory organs of fish


Answered by AbhiramiGNath
The Five Senses

■ Sight = eyes

■ smell =Fish have nostrils called nares which are located on the snout above their mouths.

■ taste = Fish are able to taste with their snout, mouth, tongue, and throat. A fish’s tongue has taste buds just like a human; however they are unable to retract their tongue.

■hearing/ feeling = Fish have two ways in which they can hear; via otoliths, or a lateral line. Otoliths are inner ear bones in a fish’s skull. Tiny hairs called cilia are located on the otolith which can be stimulated by vibrations in the water. These vibrations are interpreted as a sound by the fish’s brain.

■ Fish also have another sensory organ called the Lateral Line. A lateral line is a sense organ of microscopic pores used to detect movement and vibration in the surrounding water
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