Chemistry, asked by vijayavarshini11, 11 months ago

name the symbols of chemicals
1) chemical has first letter has a symbol (give 10)
2) chemical has first and second letter has a symbol.(give 10)
3) chemical has first, third, fourth without having second letter has a symbol. (give 10)
4) chemical symbols derived from Latin (give 11)

help me to find answer. no irrelevant answer will be posted. ​


Answered by Anonymous


List of chemical symbols

Most chemical elements are represented symbolically by two letters, generally the first two in their name. In some cases, the first letter together with some other letter from their name was used, particularly when their first two letters had already been allocated to another element. A very few elements have symbols which appear to have no relationship with their names. In those cases, the origin of the symbol used is given.

Chemical symbol Name of Element Atomic No Origin of Symbol

Ac Actinium 89

Ag Silver 47 From the Latin Argentumwhich originally meant shining metal

Al Aluminium 13

Am Americium 95

Ar Argon 18

As Arsenic 33

At Astatine 85

Au Gold 79 From the Latin Aurum which originally meant yellow

B Boron 5

Ba Barium 56

Be Beryllium 4

Bh Bhorium 107

Bi Bismuth 83

Bk Berkelium 97

Br Bromine 35

C Carbon 6

Ca Calcium 20

Cd Cadmium 48

Ce Cerium 58

Cf Californium 98

Cl Chlorine 17

Cm Curium 96

Co Cobalt 27

Cr Chromium 24

Cs Caesium 55

Cu Copper 29 From Cuprum, the Latin name for Cyprus, the Roman source of copper

Ds Darmstadtium 110

Db Dubnium 105

Dy Dysprosium 66

Er Erbium 68

Es Einsteinium 99

Eu Europium 63

F Fluorine 9

Fe Iron 26 From Ferrum, the Latin name for iron

Fm Fermium 100

Fr Francium 87

Ga Gallium 31

Gd Gadolinium 64

Ge Germanium 32

H Hydrogen 1

He Helium 2

Hf Hafnium 72

Hg Mercury 80 From the Latin Hydragyrummeaning liquid silver

Ho Holmium 67

Hs Hassium 108

I Iodine 53

In Indium 49

Ir Iridium 77

K Potassium 19 From the Latin Kaliummeaning alkali

Kr Krypton 36

La Lanthanum 57

Li Lithium 3

Lr Lawrencium 103

Lu Lutetium 71

Md Mendelevium 101

Mg Magnesium 12

Mn Manganese 25

Mo Molybdenum 42

Mt Meitnerium 109

N Nitrogen 7

Na Sodium 11 From Natrium, the Latin namefor sodium carbonate

Nb Niobium 41

Nd Neodymium 60

Ne Neon 10

Ni Nickel 28

No Nobelium 102

Np Neptunium 93

O Oxygen 8

Os Osmium 76

P Phosphorus 15

Pa Protactinium 91

Pb Lead 82 From the Latin Plumbummeaning soft white metal

Pd Palladium 46

Answered by hatdogggggggggggg


Sagutan nyo mga ponyawa puro kayo asa sa brainly pano kayo matututo nyan ha? matuto rin kayo mag isip



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