Science, asked by Pragyanpadhan, 1 year ago

name the things and discoverer


Answered by Rajputsaurabhsingh
Hey friends here is your answer-------------------------^^^^^^^^^^---------------------------

Electricity is a form of energy and it occurs in nature, so it was not “invented.” As to who discovered it, many misconceptions abound. Some give credit to Benjamin Franklin for discovering electricity, but his experiments only helped establish the connection between lightning and electricity, nothing more....

The fan was invented in 1882 by Schuyler Skaats Wheeler. A few years later, Philip Diehl mounted a fan blade on a sewing machine motor and attached it to the ceiling, inventing the ceiling fan, which he patented in 1887. Later, he added a light fixture to the ceiling fan.......

Several hundred years ago, Galileo and Newton both discovered important laws about gravity. In this century, probably the most famous scientist was Albert Einstein; his "Theory of Relativity" talks about all the strange things that happen when you're moving almost as fast as light, and a lot of other cool stuff..........
Discoverers Discovery
Albert Einstein Photon
Alfred Wegener Continental Drift
Amerigo Vespucci America
Antoine Lavoisier Conservation of Mass and Diamond a Form of Carbon
Antonio de Ulloa and Charles Wood Platinum
Bartolomeu Dias Africa
Benjamin Franklin +/- Electric Charges
Captain James Cook Antarctica
Carl Wilhelm Scheele Oxygen
Charles Darwin Evolution of Life
Charles Goodyear Vulcanized Rubber
Christiaan Huygens Saturn Rings
Clyde Tombaugh Pluto
DuPont Teflon
Edward Jenner Vaccination
Ernest Rutherford Proton
Friedrich Miescher DNA and RNA
Galileo Galilei Principle of Relativity and Moons of Jupiter
George Crum Potato Chips
Heinrich Hertz Electromagnetic Waves
Henri Becquerel Radioactivity
Henry Cavendish Hydrogen
Humphry Davy Sodium and Potassium
Isaac Newton Universal Gravitation
J. J. Thomson Electron
Jean Bernard Foucault Rotation of Earth
Johann Galle Neptune
Joseph Nicephore Niepce Photography
Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister Microorganisms Causing Infectious Disease
Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell Electromagnetism
Morris W. Travers and William Ramsay Neon, Krypton, Xenon
Nicolaus Copernicus Solar System and Earth
Niels Bohr Quantum Theory
Rabi Simantov, Solomon H. Snyder, John Hughes and Hans Kosterlitz Endorphin
Robert Boyles Boyle's Law
Robert Hooke Cells in Living Things
Sir Alexander Fleming Penicillin
Sir F.G. Hopkins Vitamins
Sir Frederick G. Banting Insulin
Thomas A. Edison Phonograph
Vitus Jonassen Bering Alaska
Wilhelm Röntgen X-rays
Willard Libby Radiocarbon Dating
William Harvey Circulatory System
William Herschel Uranus......

Hope it will help you............

Mind me as brainlies dear....... ...

....................ROYAL RAJPUT ..................

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