name the three components of nehru,s strategy
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The new nations or the third world countries, which attained statehood as a resuit of their independence after prolonged struggles for liberation launched by them against imperialism, had to face after their Independence, the challenge of integrating various ethnic groups into single nations. This task became all the more difficult in India which was having a large number of religious, social, cultural, linguistic and regional groups. As the first Prime Minister of India (1947-67), Jawaharlal Nehru had to tackle this problem. Nehru, who had been a keen student of Indian history, society, culture, economy, politics and psyche, carefully designed and implemented a strategy of national integration based on consensus, accommodation, democracy and decentralization. His strategy had functional consequences for India. It would be unfair to belittle his contribution in this process at a critical juncture when India had to face numerous internal and external threats to its unity and integrity and had to grapple with serious problems on the economic front. His strategy for national integration continues to be relevant for India even to-day when the centrifugal forces have gained greater strength and have begun to pose a bigger threat to the unity and integrity of India. However, it has to be modified in the light of the changes in internal as well as international scenario that have taken place in the post-Nehru era