Name the three principal classes of forest.
The three principal classes of forest are tropical,temperate and boreal forest.
- The three principal classes of forest:
Tropical forest
Temperature forest
Boreal forests.
- Tropical forests:
Tropical forests are closed canopy forests growing within 28 degrees north or south of the equator. Such forests are found in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and on many of the Pacific islands. Rainforest trees are quite different from trees of temperatue forests.
- Temperature forests:
Temperature forests, vegetation type with a more or less continuous canopy of broad-leaved trees. Forests occurs between approximately 25° and 50° latitude in both hemisphere. They fall under two sub categories- broad-leaved forests and sclerophyllous forests.
- Boreal forests:
The boreal forest is the world's largest land. From a biological perspective, boreal forests are defined as forests growing in high- latitude environments where freezing temperature occurs for 6 to 8 months and in which trees are capable of reaching a minimum height of 5m and a canopy cover of 10%