Science, asked by rithikaritha488, 9 months ago

name the three types of thermometer​


Answered by s15017


Types of thermometer

1. Digital thermometers.

2.Ear (or tympanic) thermometers. ...

3. Infared thermometers. .

4. Strip-type thermometers.

5. Mercury thermometers.


1. Digital thermometers. Digital thermometers are quick to use, reasonably accurate and can be used under the armpit (always use the thermometer under the armpit with children under 5). ...

Hope this helps you..

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Answered by Anonymous

❥ Question :

Types of Thermometers

❥ Answer :


It is a device that can be used to find out how hot an object  is. In other words, we use a thermometer to measure the temperature of an  object. We can understand if an object is hot or cold by the sense of touch. However, it can trick us sometimes. Therefore, we use a thermometer.


Clinical Thermometer:

• It is a device that is used to measure the body temperature of a person.

• It is made up of a glass tube of uniform thickness.

• The glass tube contains a bulb at one end which is filled with Mercury.

• The Mercury level in the thermometer rises up in the thread-like portion of the  thermometer which therefore indicates the temperature of the body.

• The level of the Mercury can be measured by reading the scale given on the  thermometer.

• The scale of the thermometer records the temperature in degree Celsius, generally, 35° C to 45° C, which is the range of human body temperature.

• On an average, the temperature of the human body is around 37° C.

• The clinical thermometer has a small sharp curve present near the bulb. This prevents the Mercury level from falling down on its own in the  thermometer.

How to use the clinical thermometer?

• Firstly, wash the thermometer with an antiseptic solution.

• Before taking the temperature the thermometer is given a few shocks to bring  down the level of Mercury below 35° C.

• Then the thermometer is placed beneath the tongue for about a minute.

• Then you can take it out and observe the temperature reading on the  thermometer.

What precautions should be taken while using a clinical thermometer?

• Wash the thermometer before and after using it.

• Make sure the temperature of the thermometer is below 35° C before taking the  temperature.

• Keep the thermometer straight in order to see the Mercury level precisely.

• It should always be held with care or it can break down. You should not touch  the bulb of the thermometer at all.


Laboratory thermometer:

The laboratory thermometer is used to find out the temperature of the other  objects such as water rather than human body temperature. It can measure the  temperature from -10° C to 110° C.

What precautions should be taken when using a laboratory thermometer?

•You should always follow the same precautions as that of the clinical


• You should always hold the laboratory thermometer in a straight upright

position without titling it.

• The bulb of the thermometer should never touch the surface of the container in  which the substance is kept.

• However, the bulb of the thermometer should be completely immersed in the  substance so that it covers the bulb from all the sides.


Maximum-Minimum thermometer:

It is a thermometer used to measure the  minimum and maximum temperature of the day by weather forecasters.


Thermister Thermometer:

It is available in market to measure the human body  temperatures, particularly for children.


Digital Thermometer:

It is sometimes difficult to handle a Mercury filled  thermometer especially when it breaks and the mercury falls out. However,  nowadays digital thermometers are available to use. This type of thermometer  does not contain Mercury. It directly displays the correct temperature on a display  screen.

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